Tuesday, June 3, 2008

June 2008 update

Many things have happened since last time we posted here. We have finally found out that we will be moving to Georgia at the end of July of this year. We are excited and sad at the same time. It will be hard to leave AZ. We will miss our family and all our friends here. Right now we are in the middle of preparing our move and trying to find a new house in Alpharetta Ga. Zack is the only one of the kids who understands to some extend that we are relocating. I do not know if he understands that he will not be able to visit his grandparents or his friends on a weekly basis. Parker and Tucker have no idea of what's going on.

A few weeks ago Tony lost his grandpa. We all got to attend his funeral in Utah. He was a great man and we will miss him dearly.

Zack finished school last week. He did wonderful on his report card. He is a great kid and we are very proud of him. Zack will also be turning 7 this month. We are planing a Indiana Jones Party. We are hoping he and his friends will like that.

Parker is 3 now and still refusing to potty train. He is our character. Parker loves to play with his brothers and loves calling his dad on his phone (which could be anything lying around the house like a toy car or a banana) He is hilarious.

Tucker is almost 9 months old, he is army crawlin. He loves to talk and sing. He is the smiliest baby ever. He just got his third tooth (top left).

Tony is doing great at work. He loves what he does and thats so important.

I just finished teaching preschool and I already miss it but I keep busy with our big move and the kids. Thats it for now. I will try to post something next week. (maybe)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

woohoo! You finally got a new blog posting up! Great to hear about you guys. I hope your move goes smoothly! My blog has invitation only access so send me your email and I'll send you an invite. jhcardita@hotmail.com